OLFA Interview – Sins of Many
Instagram: @sinsofmany
Also be sure to check Scorpio's Essential Accessories Bag here!
Introduce yourself to our readers – where are you from, how long have you been sewing, your specialties.
My name is Scorpio Uzuh (and yes it’s my real name!). I am living in Houston, TX currently and this is where I call home for now. I started sewing in 2019 for a multitude of reasons: mental depression, crossroads in my life, having a need to differentiate myself from others when it came to fashion. Commercial fashion was/is so redundant for me.
Can you explain the ‘sins of many’ business name?
It’s the tie that bonds us all together. For one, we are all sinners, so there’s that. Secondly, and more importantly, the name represents an apology to my younger self. I have always been a creative, but I never truly pursued that path because…well, LIFE happened. But the name is a constant reminder to never ever doubt myself and my talents again. Just go for it!
Do you consider yourself more of a tailor or a garment maker?
Definitely a garment maker, no question. And any true garment maker hates having to tailor OTHER people’s clothes.
You design patterns for publication. Where can people find your work? Are your designs exclusive to men? How does it feel to see your work in Joann’s?
Yes, the Know Me Pattern brand and Mimi G blessed me with the opportunity to be part of that initiative. A brand made for Us, by Us. Having my patterns in stores around the world has been mind-blowing. Sometimes I have to sit back and really take into account that 3 years ago, I was just learning to stitch a straight line…now, I have people wearing my designs! God is good!
You can find my patterns in Joann stores, Hobby Lobby, and most local fabric stores. Online, you can find them at www.somethingdelightful.com. And, surprise, we officially have our patterns in PDF format now! Go grab yours today!
My designs are gender-inclusive, that is something that I want to stress and keep because my fashion is for everybody; that’s what my brand represents. It’s a modern streetwear aesthetic that focuses on comfort, modern fit and sustainability.
What are some of the challenges you face making garments and patterns for men?
Well for one, there aren't that many; at least not that are so diverse. Most patterns are made for women by women…in addition to notions and fabric, etc. It’s an uphill battle, but one that I am embracing. I have actually started getting into more women's patterns that I like, and just hacking them to fit my body type. Matter of fact, most of my recent makes on my Instagram have been from women’s patterns.
That being said, Norris Ford, Julian Creates and myself are doing our due diligence to make sure that male designers and creatives are being recognized for their talents. There’s an online platform that we participate in called Dope Men Sew group where we try to find and highlight their talents! It’s a great initiative!
Can you identify obstacles men who sew face? Do men need to adjust how they use different tools?
As I mentioned before, there is not enough diversity in menswear patterns. Most of the time, we get the same suits, vests and robes in patterns. But that isn’t all that we are about. So yeah, lack of diversity AND innovativeness was a huge thing. That’s why Know Me patterns are so important to the sewing community!
Secondly, and this can be plugged into the aforementioned, is the lack of inclusivity. Most men’s patterns come in standard sizes, not plus size. Now, while I don’t necessarily consider myself plus-size, in the fashion world, my measurements are. So I represent a community that isn't really represented in the community, and I take it upon myself to stand up for them. Bigger guys like to look good and feel good too! They like to dress up, look fly and have fun just as much as the other guy. But they aren't represented as much on the runways and publications. It’s a shame really. All my patterns come in plus-size extended sizes and I relish in the fact that I can be a spokesperson for that group!
What are some of the tools you absolutely need to have within reach?
- My twin towers: my BERNINA B735 and L860 sewing machines.
- Guggenheim scissors
- Snippers
- Oliso x Mimi G iron
- Phone stand (for pictures)
- Sewing pin (one in my mouth while I sew..it’s a thing!)
Where do you typically shop for clothing fabric? What kinds of stores should readers look for in their area?
High Fashion Fabric is my go-to store locally here in Houston. I also like to shop online at Wholesale Fabric Store, Wawak and Mood NY. Joann is always a mainstay and Hobby Lobby is the store I can go to quickly when I need a quick fix!
I think everyone should have a local sewing/fabric store in their area. If anything, there are always quilting stores available.
Are there any fabrics you refuse to use – and any that are your favorite?
Refuse - Even though my boy Julian will hate me for it, I am not a huge fan of knits. It’s just a burden to my soul, and sewing machine. But I’m working on it! Really any of the dainty fabrics…it just doesn’t appeal to me.
Love - DENIM!!! Also Ankara prints and camouflage prints are some of my favorite prints to work with. Someone said that camouflage should be left in 2022, well I DISAGREE! They are so incredibly diverse! Cotton twills with stretch are also a mainstay in the fabric bin, I love the structure that they provide! And I am also getting hip to jacquard as of late! Love the texture that it provides.
With garment making, there are techniques that people struggle with. What are some you’ve learned that maybe weren’t easy at first? I was deathly scared of zippers and making buttons when I first started sewing. Now, I'm a pro at it. Gathering still scares me…but I haven't had to use it much. But honestly, with so many creators on social media educating us on so many hacks, nothing seems unattainable.
What does it mean to be a “Know Me Designer”?
It means the world to me! It means that we are representing the minority, literally, but in a MAJOR way. This is something that Mimi and 11 other designers created initially to speak for the community! It’s made for us, by us, and we are not stopping anytime soon! We are everything that fashion and sewing shy away from: a minority brand, run by a minority woman, staffed by minority designers who are designing for their minority audience. How dope is that?!
Fill in the blank: When I step away from the sewing machine, you’ll find me _______.
Hustling and grinding….it never stops! It’s what sets me apart from the rest!
At the gym
Wearing my designs and creating newer ones.