All Carolinas 2-in-1 Memory Game and Quilt Design

Designer: Daisi Toegel




Category: Patchwork/Quilting

Size: 6in x 6in fabric cards

Skill level: Beginner

Pattern notes:

  • Please read all instructions before beginning.
  • Seam allowance is ¼” unless noted otherwise.
  • WOF = width of fabric

Fabric Requirements:

(60 cards | 6” finished individual size)

Color A (cA) = Carolina Scenes

 2 yards

Panel – memory card pair images

Color B (cB) = Camping Navy

 1 yard


Color C (cC) = Carolina Icons Cream

 1 yard



You’ll also need:

*(60) 6in squares of batting or stabilizer of your preference (I used quilt batting) – TIP: use your scrap batting, if pieces are smaller, use zig zag stitches to join pieces together to reach the needed size.

Tools needed:

RM-SG; RM-SG-01 18" x 24" Green Double-Sided, Self-Healing Rotary Mat

45mm RTY-2/C Quick-Change Rotary Cutter, Aqua

QR-6S 6 1/2" Square Frosted Acrylic Ruler

QR-6x24 6" x 24" Frosted Acrylic Ruler

Cutting instructions:

Color A = Fussy cut (60) 6in squares of each image printed in the Carolina Scenes Panel using the QR-6S 6 1/2" Square Frosted Acrylic Ruler.

*Each yard of the panel has 30 images, and they repeat in each yardage.

Color B = Cut (5) 6 1/2in x WOF strips, sub-cut (30) 6 1/2in squares squares;

Color C = Cut (5) 6 1/2in x WOF strips, sub-cut (30) 6 1/2in squares squares;

Make the blocks:


Mark the back of each Color B diagonally using any pen or marking tool.

a-       With right sides together, lay (1) pair of color B + color C squares and pin to secure.

b-      Sew using 1/4in on each side of the mark/crease previously made. Cut on the creased line and press seams open.

Trim blocks to 6in square. To trim, align the diagonal on a 6in square ruler or larger, to the diagonal on the block. Trim top and right, rotate the block, trim left and bottom. Repeat this process for all half-square-triangle blocks.

Assembling the cards:

A)      Each quilt sandwich (half-square-triangle + batting + fussy cut square) is a card.

B)      With wrong sides together, lay (1) half-square triangle on (1) batting square. Press and quilt using your favorite design.

C)      After quilting, sew around the square using 1/8in seam allowance.

D)      Lay (1) fussy cut square right sides together on top of the half-square-triangle quilted side.

E)      Sew along the four edges using 1/4in seam allowance, and leave a 3in opening to turn. Backstitch in the beginning and end of the seams.

F)       Trim the four corners diagonally before turning.

G)     Turn the card right side out, gently poke the corners out and press.

H)     Fold the opening edges towards the inside and clip to secure.

I)        Topstitch along all edges using 1/8in seam allowance to finish.

J)        Repeat this process for all cards, and you’re all done!