Making a Denim Crop Top with Circle Cut outs

Designer: Marcia Spencer

Instagram: @keechiibstyle



I love denim and often hold on to denim scraps because I love the idea of using denim for unique scrappy projects.. Here is a cool denim top project with circle cut outs you can create using denim scraps.

I used New Look Pattern 6722 for the top here is the Link:

Tool & Supplies needed:



No Fray

Olfa 24 X 36 Self Healing Rotary Mat

Olfa 45 mm Rotary Cutter

Olfa 5 Inch Serrated Edge Scissors

Olfa Rotary Circle cutter


1/2 yard denim fabric & denim scraps

½ yard of lining

¾ yard interfacing




  1. Use your Olfa rotary cutter and Olfa mat to cut the pattern pieces out.

  1. Make sure to interface all pattern pieces before beginning.

Cutting circles: For my size I cut about 98 circles using my Rotary Circle Cutter, you may need more or less depending on the size you are cutting. There should be seven circles to each row.                   

Sewing Instructions

  1. With right sides together attach front to front side matching notches.

  1. Press seam opens.

  1. Attach side front to back piece, press seams open

  1. With right sides facing, attach back to side and stitch.

  1. Repeat steps 1 -4 for lining. Press all seams open.

  1. Pin lining and denim together with right sides together, lining up seams and notches.
  2. Press lining seam allowance under ⅜ inch at top of straps.

  1. Stitch lining to denim at the top edges underarm and neck line. Leave open the bottom seam and straps.

  1. Trim and clip curves.

  1. Understitch neck and armhole edges as far as possible.
  2. Set your top aside.


  1. Create cascading circle cut outs in chains of seven. Use No Fray on the raw edges to control fraying.

  1. Lay the bottom edge of one circle over the top edge of the other until you have a chain of seven circles.

  1. I created about 16 or 17 rows but this could be more or less depending on the size top cut.
  2. Stitch the chains to the lower edge of the top main fabric about ¾ inch from the raw edge, leaving the lining free.


  1. Repeat adding the circle chain to the lower edge overlapping the corners slightly to the bottom edge of the top is completely covered.

  1. With right sides together stitch the lining to the top at the lower edge stuffing the circle chain into between the main fabric and the lining. Keep the circles free from stitching.
  2. Trim seam. Turn top right side out. Press

  1. Stitch front to back at shoulder seams being careful not to catch in pressed edges of lining.

  1. Tuck shoulder seams under lining and slip stitch pressed edges of lining closed,

  1. On the outside pin closed zipper to the left back ¼ from the raw edge with right sides facing. Place zipper about ⅜ for the top edge of the top.Stitch zipper in place using a zipper foot.

  1. Separate the zipper and and place the remaining half of zipper face down about ⅜ from the top edge of top and ¼ from the raw edge
  2. Using a zipper foot stitch zipper in place.
  3. Top stitch about ¼ edge from the zipper on both side

Voila! You're done.