Make a Knit Shawl With Me

Designer: Marcia Spencer

Instagram: @keechiibstyle




A shawl is a great accessory to have anytime of the year. It not only keeps you warm from a chill but many of them can elevate your look. Shawls come in different styles and fabrics. I will be using Butterick Pattern 5680 to create a cool knit shawl for the cooler weather. So grab your pattern and materials and lets get sewing!



Materials and Tools Needed:



*Fuse shoulder band with interfacing.



Let's Sew!



  1. With right sides together sew the front and the back together at the left shoulder.



  1. Press the seam with you pressing tool.



  1. Stitch a narrow hem at the neck and around the lower edges.



  1. Turn over ⅝ on the long unnotched side of the shoulder band. Press.



  1. With bright sides together, fold the shoulder band over along the fold-line.



  1. Stitch the sides and trim. Press.



  1. With right sides together pin the shoulder band free edge to the wrap right shoulder, lining up raw edges. Stitch. Trim.



  1. Press the seams into the band. Press.



  1. Understitch or slip-stitch pressed edges over seams.



  1. Create your button holes in the right front shoulder band



  1. Sew your buttons in the left front shoulder bands.


Voila Your Done!