470 More Yards with OLFA!
470 More Yards with OLFA!
Why use an OLFA mat?
Our mats were created shortly after our invention of the rotary cutter, which was in 1979. They were designed not only to protect your cutting surface but to extend the life of the rotary blade. We know, as well as you do, how good our mats and rotary blades are. We often talk about the importance of using OLFA mats and blades together for better, longer performance.
We put our 45mm standard rotary blades and self-healing rotary mats up against a leading competitive national brands 45mm rotary blade and self-healing mat. Their cutting system (rotary cutter, rotary blade, cutting mat) only cut 280 yards of cotton fabric before their blade began to dull. Whereas the OLFA cutting system cut 750 yards of cotton fabric before our blade began to dull. That's 470 more yards of fabric cut using our products vs the competitor.